
Fathers love...

Now that Fathers Day is over and we've had time to reflect,  it would be wonderful to hear some stories regarding dear ol' dad. Whatever you're led to share is welcome.
If you prefer to remain nameless, you can post anonymously.

Live Love, Meredith 


  1. I saw this poem that touched me. Wanted to share.

    Life Lessons

    You may have thought I didn't see,
    Or that I hadn't heard,
    Life lessons that you taught to me,
    But I got every word.
    Perhaps you thought I missed it all,
    And that we'd grow apart,
    But Dad, I picked up everything,
    It's written on my heart.
    Without you, Dad, I wouldn't be
    The (woman)(man) I am today;
    You built a strong foundation
    No one can take away.
    I've grown up with your values,
    And I'm very glad I did;
    So here's to you, dear father,
    From your forever grateful kid.

  2. Although my dad has been gone for quite some time it is not just on father's day that I reflect on what he has given to me.I grew up with several siblings and we each probably thought he thought us the favorite.He was able to teach values,instill confidence,and provide unconditional love.I hope I am a quarter of what he was as a dad.Here is just a short note that he sent me on Valentine's Day many moons ago when i was 16.(he never used capitals)

    happy st v day
    it is a glorious looking day today
    and that is how
    you should regard your life
    both you and your pal(the future)
    have plenty to offer each other
    and don't worry
    even if you fail
    because there is success in failure
    and should you fail 2 4 6 8 times
    so what
    you will make it
    just have faith and trust in yourself
    and you will make it
