
Rules for crossing...

And the academy award for Best Story goes to....... MY BRAIN!  If this were real, I could surely have entire walls filled with Oscar statues!  My brain is amazing at telling me stories that seems very real and have the ability to keep me distracted.  

It's so easy to get caught up in the mind game I like to call the "Hamster Wheel" that if we don't have the right tools in our tool box we can waste a lot of valuable time just running in place.  

Here is a quick 1, 2, 3 check list...

1)  STOP~  Sometimes finding the answers to a situation or problem is as easy as stopping for a moment to take a breathe!  Then pull out FACTS only, this means only what is true, not the extra stuff we tend to make up. 

2)  LOOK~  Close your eyes and look inside.  The answers are always available if we learn to look inside ourselves and become open and willing to observe the bigger picture.  

3)  LISTEN~  Listen to your heart not your head.  Your gut instinct, your intuition, your inner wisdom... whatever you feel comfortable calling it.  It's always ready, willing, and able to help... you just have to ask!  

The chances of getting swallowed up by the thoughts in your head decrease if you know what tools to pull from your tool box and use them.  Then voilà, the answers that have been poking you between the eyes suddenly come into focus and your able to keep it moving.  

With all my love ~ Meredith