
A little DIY Reflexology breakdown!!!

Reflexology is  a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and head linked to every part of the body.  Reflexology has been found to be helpful in the reduction of tension and stress, promoting balance, improving circulation and can assist in one's own healing process. Here is a little at-home reflexology know-how. 
Enjoy!!  With Love~ Meredith M. 


  • Big toes, little toes, inside and belly of the foot. The big toes are where the head, brain, pituitary/pineal glands, & upper cervical spine (neck) reflexes are located. The tips of all the little toes too coincide with the head, brain and sinus reflexes (give more attention to these toes if you have a sinus headache).
  • The spinal reflex resides along the inside or medial aspect of each foot, also very effective since the spine is where the nervous system is housed.
  • Dehydration is a common cause of headaches too, sometimes hunger and/or a digestive issue might be a cause for a headache as well. In this case, the digestive system reflexes are located on the bottom or plantar aspect of the foot and can be reflexed accordingly.
  • Since it is sometimes difficult to isolate where a headache might be emanating from, there is no harm in giving attention to all these areas. If you want to be really precise, refer to a reflexology map (see below)!

Menstrual Cramps

I have always had very painful menstrual cramps. It was through receiving reflexology regularly that I discovered my menstrual discomfort was given relief and the associated back and joint pain decreased substantially. The areas that are most effective are the reflexes to the reproductive and endocrine systems.
  • Give attention to the sides of the heel (medial and lateral aspect of each foot); this is where the ovary and uterus reflexes can be found.
  • The endocrine system consists of the pituitary gland, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal gland, pancreas, and ovaries. Refer to a reflexology map to better pinpoint where to reflex!

Tummy Ache

The area that corresponds to the digestive system reflexes is located on the bottom plantar aspect of each foot. Many of the reflexes to the integral organs that contribute and play key roles in the digestive process are all located here.
  • This is a delicious area to give attention to in general as the arch of the foot can really use the care after a day in shoes pounding concrete as well. I refer to this area as the belly of the foot as it's the softer portion of the plantar aspect (between the ball and heel) of each foot.
  • Again, refer to a map (below) for more precise reflexology points and where each organ reflex is located.

Reflexology Maps

If you are without a friend or partner, reflexes to every part of the body can be found in your hands too!! I often give myself mini reflexology sessions on the train to and from work. Here’s alink to a great map for the hands.
Maps courtesy of Angel Feet LLC
  1. Brain
  2. Sinuses/Outer Ear
  3. Sinuses/Inner Ear/Eye
  4. Temple
  5. Pineal/Hypothalamus
  6. Pituitary
  7. Side of Neck
  8. Cervical Spine
  9. Shoulder/Arm
  10. Neck/Helper to Eye, Inner Ear, Eustachian Tube
  11. Neck/Thyroid/Parathyroid/Tonsils
  12. Bronchial/Thyroid Helper
  13. Chest/Lung
  14. Heart
  15. Esophagus
  16. Thoracic Spine
  17. Diaphragm
  18. Solar Plexus
  19. Liver
  20. Gallbladder
  21. Stomach
  22. Spleen
  23. Adrenals
  24. Pancreas
  25. Kidneys
  26. Waist Line
  27. Ureter Tube
  28. Bladder
  29. Duodenum
  30. Small Intestine
  31. Appendix
  32. Ileocecal Valve
  33. Ascending Colon
  34. Hepatic Flexure
  35. Transverse Colon
  36. Splenic Flexure
  37. Descending Colon
  38. Sigmoid Colon
  39. Lumbar Spine
  40. Sacral Spine
  41. Coccyx
  42. Sciatic Nerve
  43. Upper Jaw/Teeth/Gums
  44. Lower Jaw/Teeth/Gums
  45. Neck/Throat/Tonsils/Thyroid/Parathyroid
  46. Vocal Cords
  47. Inner Ear
  48. Lymph/Breast/Chest
  49. Chest/Breast/Mammary Glands
  50. Mid-Back
  51. Fallopian Tube/Vas Deferens/Seminal Vesicle
  52. Lymph/Groin
  53. Nose
  54. Thymus
  55. Penis/Vagina
  56. Uterus/Prostate
  57. Chronic Area-Reproductive/Rectum
  58. Leg/Knee/Hip/Lower Back Helper
  59. Hip/Sciatic
  60. Ovary/Testes 

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