
Is that an iPhone app?

In this fast paced, instant EVERYTHING world of ours have we forgotten
the importance of Patience?  Or even what it means?
Hmm,  Is that an app for my iphone? Isn't that a song by Gun's n Roses? Does that come on the new generation iPad?

Well, not exactly.  Patience is an ability or willingness to take a step back and maintain composure when confronted with misfortune, pain, provocation, delay or with some A double S hole who doesn't know how to drive.

Its being able to ~

Think before you speak
Breathe before you blow
Look at the big picture
Accept what is
Delay gratification
Release the need to control
Be more flexible
Observe and learn
Enjoy the moment

I know it can be tough sometimes...  Trust me, I have the ability to DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT with an...
over-reaction Jackson, road raging Renae, time bomb Tina, bitch slap Betty, or i'll do it myself Diane attitude in 2.2 seconds if my mind isn't clear or my emotions have the wheel.
So patience is something I have to be mindful of and PRACTICE daily.  I say practice because its not an inherited trait that didn't get passed on to me, its a skill... and like any skill, work is involved.

Why is having patience important?

When we practice patience it gives us the freedom to enjoy the moment rather then wish it away. It helps us to see alternate paths. It allows us to remain calm, even during a difficult situation. It helps us reach goals.  It gives us a certain amount of inner peace and self-control so that we can choose to respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner, rather than being pulled or driven by our emotions and essentially... out of our minds.

Where do I start? 

The best place to start practicing patience is with YOURSELF.  The more patience and compassion we have for ourselves, the more we have for others.

Once we realize that it's those difficult moments or those difficult people that are our greatest teachers we stop resisting and welcome every opportunity to develop more understanding, compassion and wisdom!
Learn the art of patience and frustration goes away, confidence builds, outrage cools, wisdom comes and peace is yours!

"Patience is power.  Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" 
it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way." ~ Fulton J. Sheen 

With Love Vibrations~ Meredith 

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