
Blame it on my wild heart...

Music makes the people come together ~ Madonna

Nothing can shift a soul quite like music!

If you want to turn a bad day around… play that funky music!  Need a good cry… Sad songs say so much. Want to get the party started, feeling like tonight’s gonna be a good night, wanting to express yourself, or I just called to say I love you. There’s also 50 ways to leave your lover, no woman no cry, go your own way, and the 2011 anthem Born this way. 

If you're unable to find the words to say it or pull the emotion to feel it… put the itunes on shuffle and enjoy its ride!  You're heart and mind will transform into a tsunami of sentiment.

My father says my mother gave me the love of music.  That she used to blare the radio during my nap time and no matter the decibels… I was always off in dreamland. 

From my first breath I was entranced by the beat, rhythm and lyrics.  On any given Saturday you could find me planted in front of the TV for American Band Stand, Soul Train, Fame and American top 40.  I remember being so puzzled as to how they got all of those artists in one place to perform behind the scenes.  Hadn’t yet grasped the concept of records of TV. 

There are so many songs that accompany so many lasting impressions.  

One of my favorite recollections comes from my older brother, while taking me for a spin in his new truck the lyrics to I wear my sunglasses at night came rolling off his tongue. In my eyes he was without question, the coolest cat I knew. 

Then a classic, one of my older sisters friends runs into the house reciting the words to poor poor pitiful me, all these boys won’t let me be.  I wrinkled my nose and rolled my eyes to that little episode.  Still get a chuckle from it.
Or the first time I got caught singing into my mic while dancing in front of the mirror… and by mic, I mean hairbrush.  Such a cringe worthy moment!

There’s the first “mixed tape” I received as a teen.  Which It thought to be quite a romantic gesture.  I listened to that thing until the magnetic tape inside snapped.
Nowadays we have “playlists” for ipods… Same concept, received with the same heart light. 

Music, it not only brings people together. It turns a frown upside down, molds a workout, determines the mood of a party, intensifies a scary flick, or brings on the water works,  it also represents our personal film score.

Its as if music creates the rings in our tree of life.
If you could put a needle on each ring and songs would play, what would you hear?  

My tree would be riddled with Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks… Fact!

This weekend, take a trip back in time and spark up some nostalgia!  Throw on you're favorite tunes and see where they take you. 

You may be surprised by what transpires. 

I’ll leave you with a song from one of my favorite artists…  Live Love, Meredith 


  1. I love that song to, thanks for the reminder. This weekend is going to be great!

  2. Great Blog !

    When I hear music... It sparks my interest (like a dog when his ears go up). Why do ppl listen to the music that they do? Literally, what the heck are they thinking ? I'm driving down the street, windows open, when I come to an intersection of music, sometimes worse than the street that I am driving on... Aaall demanding my attention at the same time...LoL What a cluster-muck of music ! As I close my windows and turn to my own tunes... So many choices, which one do I want... Which one do I "need" ?! I want it to change my thoughts... I need it to change my attitude ! How true when you wrote, "If you need to change your day around..."

    I love, love, love u... Your blogs are terrific ! I have enjoyed them from the very first day, ... But due to computer/operator error, this is the first time that I am able to post ! Loving U, Aunt Diana

  3. Express yourself...gotta be you and only you babe...let me be me! xoxoxo
