
Don't resist the stretch...

Don’t resist the stretch…

If you’re mind is trying to keep you small but, you’re heart is screaming to expand.  Don’t fight it… it just might be time to break free from the shackles and let some things go. 

Now, the shift might be making you feel a little uneasy but go with it… give yourself permission to release whatever is holding you back. 

If it's got you in a state of discomfort…. it's time to reevaluate and let some things loose!

How many of you get that funny feeling in your gut when you know your doing something you probably shouldn't be? 

Everyone has that inner voice that comes from the heart and everyone has the voice that comes from our minds, or shall I say ego. 

That inner voice is always there to protect and guide us.  Listen to it, its only looking out for your best interest.
The mind is what makes things problematic…it’s the ego talking!  Telling us to be afraid, we will fail,  over analyzing, over complicating, doubting, judging. 

The heart always comes from love, it knows no other way!  If you let it guide you, you’ll always be going in the right direction. 
Now, where in your life does a change need to be made?

If you can’t quite pinpoint exactly what it is that’s got you in a state of discontent, write it down!  Get out a piece of paper and take inventory of what’s working in your life and what’s not. 

What’s bringing you joy and what feels more like an anchor around you’re neck.  

Next, put a plan in motion.  Ask yourself what has to be done in order for you to be free and then communicate that!

Express and release… I promise you…whatever you’re feeling, if you let it go instead of gripping onto it like you’re favorite blanket as a child… It will pass! 

Don’t fear the shift… it’s your next foot in front of the other. 
You’ve been standing in one spot long enough!!!

And, always remember to never forget … the heart always wins!!

With Love, Meredith 


  1. Reaction: Thought Provoking

    Realizing that sometimes those things that are holding you back, might not be things; it might be people in your life !

  2. Just looking at the picture you posted, gave me another thought of how I feel when I am upside down - that's how I have felt many times in my life ! Upside down with gravity taking over, the blood rushing to my head, the pressure building up with everything that everyone is telling me that I should or shouldn't be doing - ugh ! I had to stop and think:

    "How's THAT goin' for ya ?"

  3. Wow, you're first line got me... don't resist the stretch !
    Thinking of it from a physical standpoint, when people resist ... that's when something or somebody gets hurt ! I thought instantly when I would resist a spanking and put my hand across my bottom... only to get my hand smacked worse than my bottom might have gotten ! Hmmmm... powerful beginning !

    We have a tendency to stay in one place... in fear of going to the right or going to the left ! We don't like change... and rather enjoy times of complacency; a familiar place... one in which we have 'self-satisfaction'... but often we are unaware of a potential danger if we stay where we are at ! It's like standing on a beach in the morning and enjoying the waves gently caressing your feet... if you don't move, eventually when the tides comes back in... you may be tossed within the waves and dashed upon the rocks !

    I like what the person ahead of me said...
    "How's that workin' for ya ?"

    Thanks for the Blog, Aunt Diana
