
13 happy habits...

Happiness is a choice that comes from within. It is determined more by our minds than by our circumstances and is found in the choices we make every day.

Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect, it means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
It means you’ve made the choice to think good thoughts, speak kind words, take good actions and enjoy the small things in life while still chasing after the big ones.

Here are 13 happiness habits that will always be applicable~
  1. Choose a good attitude and see the best in all situations. 
  2. Choose to take care of your body
  3. Choose not to take yourself too seriously
  4. Choose to make yourself a priority
  5. Choose NOT to borrow trouble
  6. Choose to focus on what you have, not on what you haven’t 
  7. Choose to be of service
  8. Choose to stay connected and nurture relationships
  9. Choose to express gratitude
  10. Choose to savor life’s joys
  11. Choose to forgive
  12. Choose to be around the right people
  13. Choose Love…

These are things that you can start doing now to feel the effects of more happiness in your life. 

Begin today and take responsibility for your own happiness... the choice is always YOURS!! 

With Love and Vibrations ~ Meredith

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